Tontitown 650 Repeater
Welcome to the Tontitown 650 page! This is a repeater located in Tontitown and serves the area.
The repeater is a couple of Kenwood 860’s tied together, served by a duplexer into a DB-420 antenna at 180′ on a local tower as of September 2024.
It is in full service with “Skywarn Plus” automatic alert notifications when weather or emergencies are active.
Check it out when you’re in the area!
Repeater Owner: WRCZ523
Repeater Frequency Pair: OUTPUT:462.650 INPUT: 467.650 (Channel 19)
CTCSS/PL Tones: 162.2
Open use always permitted to GMRS licensees as you enjoy the surrounding areas. Proud to be part of the Arkansas GMRS Repeater Group.
Listen live: Click Here
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