
Welcome to the Arkansas GMRS Repeater Group repeater listings page.  This is where the magic happens!

Below you will find a list of pages; one for each repeater affiliated with our Group. As a group member, you have access to every one of them. Clicking the repeater names will bring you to the individual repeater pages.

This group exists because of our wonderful repeater owners. Won’t you be one?

We are always looking for repeater owners to affiliate their systems with the Arkansas GMRS Repeater Group. If you’re one of those awesome repeater owners that wants to share his/her resources with others, get a hold of us! We’d love to have you!!

We will give you a web page for your system or forward your current web pages as needed or wanted.  If you have a current club , that stays and we don’t take it over. All this at no charge!

We will never tell you how to run your system outside of standard FCC rules, our basic user agreement, and we don’t sell memberships. This is a Cooperative Effort to share GMRS resources across Arkansas.

Repeater NameArkansas ZoneSite Location(s)
Bryant 575CentralSaline/Bryant
Cabway 675CentralCabot/Conway
Greenbrier 675 CentralGreenbrier
Sherwood 650CentralSherwood
Baxter 575NortheastMountain Home
Blytheville 725NortheastBlytheville
Bono LocalNortheastBono/Jonesboro
GAS 675NortheastGassville
Hardy 600NortheastHardy
Greers FerryNortheastGreers Ferry
Mountain View 550NortheastMountain View
Newark 600NortheastNewark
MoArk 550NortheastPiggott
Bentonville 625NorthwestBentonville
Boat 600NorthwestHarrison
Crawford 650 NorthwestRudy
Fort 550NorthwestVan Buren/Fort Smith
Harrison HillNorthwestHarrison
Japton 600NorthwestJapton
Marshall 625NorthwestMarshall
Tontitown 650NorthwestTontitown
Winslow 675NorthwestWest Fork/Fayetteville
Crossett 5 50SoutheastCrossett
Elaine 675 SoutheastElaine
Eudora 625SoutheastEudora
FC LocalSoutheastForrest City
Ladelle 700SoutheastLadelle
Monticello 600 SoutheastMonticello
Pine Bluff 725SoutheastPine Bluff
Star CitySoutheastStar City
Dequeen 600SouthwestDe Queen
El Dorado 575SouthwestEl Dorado
Mena 650SouthwestMena
Malvern 625SouthwestMalvern
Portable RepeatersALL AREASALL AREAS

Map of our Member Owned and Associated Repeaters