Add Your Repeater

The Arkansas GMRS Repeater Group is a Repeater Cooperative and service organization, which means repeater owners and users cooperate with each other to share systems for use in the General Mobile Radio Service. This is all done on a not-for-profit basis and at no charge to anyone, in accordance with Federal Communications Commission rules.

The Arkansas GMRS Repeater Group, in compliance with Title 47 CFR § 95.1705, offers our affiliates’ repeater service usage to any GMRS licensee who is a member of the Group. Furthermore, most affiliates offer repeater usage to all licensees, whether or not they are a member and the Group will not override those decisions. However, joining this group helps repeater owners remain compliant with maintaining their station records, get help building and work together. It’s straight fun!

In compliance of Section (f) 95.1705, the Group

  • Maintains that all affiliated repeaters are solely owned by their respective owners and;
  • Licensees maintain access control under its license and;
  • Licensees will identify all communications originating from its stations and equipment and;
  • The cooperative effort is done without any charge with funding received ONLY on a non-profit basis for capital expenses related to repeaters, media, websites and operating expenses as a donation only.

Also, in order to remain in compliance with 95.1705 (Cooperative Use), the Arkansas GMRS Repeater Group hereby submits the following written agreement for all GMRS Repeater Stations within its affiliation:

Prospective Repeater Owners!

We are always looking to welcome and have new repeater owners join our Group. When you affiliate your repeater, we do not “take it over” like some clubs or groups and it costs you nothing but a few minutes of time. Your repeater is then “shared” amongst the other owners and users on a no-charge reciprocal basis. You maintain complete control of your system and we help work together to maintain and build as needed. You will gain access to other owners with equipment and know-how in an effort to simply work together with minimal strings attached. You also help set the policy and direction of the Group! Our Repeater User Agreement is the document that binds us together, is simple and brief, and just works. You can also link into our system if you so desire, or maintain a stand-alone status. We aren’t picky; we love both. You can also leave it “open”, or members only where we provide the pre-screening so you know that licensed people are using your system and have access to them. Our goal is to cover Arkansas with usable GMRS repeaters the licensed public and each other can use and hope you will come along! Let us know by joining up today!


person putting coin in a piggy bank

Money? We don’t charge dues. Save your money and build a repeater! We know how much it costs. Our Group is a voluntary service organization, which that service is to provide access to information and peripherals to users to allow access to affiliated repeaters and aids to help their use in GMRS. Service to repeater owners includes help with websites, station records, member vetting and help with their systems as needed. All of this is voluntary with the repeater owners. The Group owns NO repeaters and facilitates a service to connect users and owners together to promote the use of GMRS in Arkansas. The Group, from time to time, will offer activities that may occur on air such as Auxiliary Communications (AUXCOMM) or on-radio meetings (nets) as well as facilitate and assist repeater owners in their own local activities. Everything we do is voluntary, and judging by the response, we’re doing a pretty good job!

Repeater Owners affiliate with us!! Join up today and come along for the ride!!